Tuesday 6 August 2013

Introducing...the HERB PLOT


The Garden Team received feedback from community gardener members with interest in creating an herb plot in the community garden available to be used by current Mid-Sun Community Gardeners.  
 The plot that receives the least sunshine, plot 17 is often not a popular one for growing vegetable; therefore, becoming our first herb plot.  Once the berm is ready to plant in, the herbs will be incorporated into the berm.  Use this herb primer provided on herbs planted and how to use these herbs for culinary purposes. There are all kinds of other uses that herbs can be used for; craft, cosmetic, therapeutic and medicinal.  Please access these herbs with the awareness that we are sharing them with each other.  Share your stories with us at midsungarden@gmail.com in using the community herbs.  Provide us with suggestions of what you want to see regarding herbs in the berm for next year. Maybe you have an established herb perennial at home that will need dividing next year.  

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